Jumper medals can be tricky classes to prepare for equipment-wise since the rules do not really specify anything for much of the tack, leaving some to wonder whether it should be hunter-like or jumper-like. While the general turnout should resemble a hunter (fitted saddle pad, conservative, etc.), tack is not restricted to that used in the hunter ring.
Because the rules do not cover every piece of tack, interpretations may vary. What I am providing today is what is allowed in jumper medal classes on the 'A' circuit in Canada. Because the EC rules are specific to particular classes that are not held at all levels, the rules for similar classes at lower level competitions might be different.
Riders are not limited to regular cavesson nosebands, and hackamores and all humane bits are permitted over fences. Martingales are only permitted over fences, and must not be used on the flat. Only running martingales are allowed over fences.
Be aware that hackamores and gags are not permitted in the flat phase, but a change of tack between the phases is allowed.
The tack and equipment rules for the CET Medal and Mini CET Medal seem to mirror those for the USEF Show Jumping Talent Search Class:
a) There are no restrictions on saddles.
b) Change of tack and equipment is permissible between phases.
c) Blinkers are forbidden.
d) No martingales of any kind are permitted in the flat phase.
e) Only running martingales used in the conventional manner are permitted in the jumping phase. Standing martingales, draw reins, or restricted running martingales are prohibited.
f) Reins must be attached to the bit(s) or directly to the bridle. Gags and hackamores are not allowed in the flat phase. Bit convertors are allowed.
g) Stirrup irons must not be affixed to the rider’s foot or boot in any manner
g) Stirrup irons must not be affixed to the rider’s foot or boot in any manner