
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Warm-Up Jumps

There are many rules dictating which warm-up jumps are legal and which are illegal. Familiarizing yourself with these rules ahead of time will allow you to formulate a warm-up plan without running the risk of having to use a different routine at the show after intervention by a steward.

There is an excellent document that I believe everyone should look at showing the FEI warm-up rules very clearly with photos: FEI warm-up rules

Equine Canada deviates slightly from these rules:

1. All EC-sanctioned competitions must use current FEI schooling rules as listed. Refer to Chapter 9, FEI Rules, Article 244 EXERCISE AND SCHOOLING AREAS AND PRACTICE OBSTACLES. These rules pertain to all hunter, equitation and jumper classes and divisions at all EC-sanctioned competitions. Note exceptions below.
2. The prize list must specify that FEI schooling rules will be in force.
3. Stewards will measure any obstacle or distance that appears to be in violation of the rules.
4. When two or more rings are operating simultaneously, the competition must have sufficient stewards to monitor all schooling/warm-up areas. Schooling/warm-up areas that cannot be closely monitored simultaneously MUST have a steward for each area. The additional steward(s) may be recorded.
5. Equine Canada exceptions to the FEI schooling rules at all EC-sanctioned competitions:
a. Use of coloured sheets over the take-off side or under a properly constructed obstacle is permitted.
b. Flags on fences in the schooling areas are at the discretion of competition management. Steward may request flags be used when the schooling area is congested.
c. In Equitation and Hunter competitions and schooling rings, plastic cups or FEI breakaway cups are required. Steel pins are not acceptable. See Article G116.
d. Boot and bandage checks are not mandatory; however a boot and bandage check may be performed at EC-sanctioned jumper competitions.
e. Hunter Schooling only: A ground rail may be used on both sides of an oxer. Top rails may not be offset.

Here are some of the main points to remember about warm-up jumps:
  • The lower tape on the standard is at 1.30m (4'3") and the higher tape is at 1.60m (5'3")
  • If a vertical or the front rail of an oxer is at 1.30m or higher, you must use two rails on the take-off side
  • Never use an offset oxer (back rail lower than the front rail)
  • You may not warm up over a jump that is over 10 cm (4 inches) higher than the maximum height of your class
  • If flags are used, always jump in the correct direction.  You may switch the flags to reverse the direction of the jump if the steward allows it
  • If you use ground lines, you may not have one on the landing side only, and you may only use a ground line on the take-off side of an oxer
  • If you use ground lines on both sides of the jump, the take-off side must be the same distance or further away from the jump as the landing side
  • At an EC-sanctioned competition, you may drape a cooler or sheet over the take-off side of a jump

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